1605 E Capitol Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501

Ag Wetland Trade

The Ag Wetland Trade is a platform for USDA program participants to purchase wetland mitigating credits to offset Swampbuster wetland losses from drainage or other field improvements. NDAM is searching for willing landowners with potential host wetland bank sites for mitigation credits. After identifying suitable sites, NDAM will coordinate bank development and determine an estimate of credit yield from the property as well as approximate establishment costs. In exchange for allowing the development of an easement-protected wetland bank on their property, landowners will receive 80% of revenue from the sale of the credits. NDAM will collect the remaining 20% credit revenue to cover bank site management, maintenance and other associated program expenses.

Bank Credit Sales Details

  • NRCS Certified Wetland Determination is required for all ag wetland trades.
  • Bank site hosts determine wetland credit sale asking prices, which can be negotiated with buyers, but NDAM retains authority for all Ag Wetland Trade credit transactions.
  • Bank site hosts may purchase up to 25% of credits from their bank site for their own use at NDAM’s 20% fee, which is based off the average sale price of the bank site credits.
  • Buyers have no liability and receive a new NRCS Certified Wetland Determination.

Bank Site Criteria

Preferred sites suitable for wetland mitigation should have the following characteristics:

  • Expiring Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with drained or restored wetlands;
  • Marginal crop ground with old, poorly functioning drains; or
  • Non-wetland areas where water can be captured via embankments or excavations

NDAM holds a 99-year conservation easement, which means:

  • Landowner reserves right to access, recreational uses, and mineral resources
  • Haying and/or grazing allowed per bank site plan specifics
  • Landowner continues to pay property taxes
  • Wetland conditions, as outlined in the bank site plan, must be maintained

Land enrolled in NDAM’s Ag-Wetland Trade are not eligible for other USDA programs:

Ineligible Programs

  • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
  • Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and Wetland Reserve Easement program (WRE)

Eligible Programs

  • North Dakota Game and Fish landowner programs
  • Easement does not prohibit non-conflicting non-federal programs

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