1605 E Capitol Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501

Frequent Questions

  • What is wetland mitigation?

    Wetland mitigation is the restoration, creation or enhancement of wetlands for the purpose of compensating (replacing) for impacts to wetlands at another location. (Existing, or undrained wetlands are most often not eligible for mitigation credit.)

  • Why mitigate lands?

    To remain eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs and federal crop insurance premium assistance, landowners and farmers enrolled in USDA programs must mitigate for draining wetlands.

  • How much do credits cost?

    Credits are sold on a per-acre basis. Ag Wetland Trade is a recently established bank and does not have a sales history. Wetland banks within North Dakota continue to demand increased cost per acre. NDAM’s Ag Wetland Trade is supply and demand based, and is expected to also be influenced by land and commodity prices as well the specific bank service region (watershed) within the state. Ag credits have recently sold for $12,000 to over $20,000 per acre in the Prairie Pothole region.

  • Can I mitigate for U.S. Fish and Wildlife wetland easements or jurisdictional waters of the U.S. through NDAM?

    No, Ag Wetland Trade can only be used for mitigating NRCS Certified Wetlands under the Swampbuster provisions.

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